ID工程師 - ID Engineer


  • Shengang, Changhua County
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 1 month ago
【工作內容】 1.產品設計造型提案、原型模型與3D數位模型工業化量產掌控、未來趨勢探討。
Main tasks at E-lead to industrial designer will be:
1. We need you to proposal design to client in the form of prototype mock-up build and 3D digitalize model. And control the design quality at the mass production level. Also need you to discover the latest trend of design style/technique of the current market.2. You need to investigate and analyze possibility and potential risks before actual design procedure begin, and assist product development strategies internally.3.We need you to using design tools to complete the cosmetic design products according to the design requirement and development strategies, which including design sketches, mock-up sample making, review after trial production.4. You need to communicate and barging with suppliers about production details and relevant technical feasibility assessment.5. You will Co-Work with mechanism engineer and electronic engineer to discuss cosmetic design and propose structure advice for better meeting the products requirement.6. Regarding the proposal, we need you can effectively ensure the quality until mass production with the tools like design drawings, mock-up modeling and CAD data.【工作制度/性質】 園 區: 全興工業區
工作時間: 日班
休假制度: 週休二日工作性質: 全職
職務類別: 美編人員、商業設計、工業設計
工作位置: 彰化縣伸港鄉溪底村工東一路37號【要求條件】 身份類別: 不拘
工作經驗: 工作經驗不拘
學歷限制: 大學以上
科系限制: 其他設計學類、美術工藝學類語言能力: 「英文」 聽-中等/ 說-中等/ 讀-中等/ 寫-中等
電腦專長: PhotoShop、Illustrator、CATIA、SOLIDWORKS
附加條件: 1.熟悉產品開發流程,設計提案、3D建模及模型模擬至量產等任務。
E-lead industrial designer need to be capable with:
1. You need to be familiar with product development process, such as design proposal, high quality 3D model build, 3D model render in order to preview the mass production product, and other tasks etc.2. You need to have good design ideas from time to time ,and good drawing skills for quick product sketch (both hand drawing and PS drawing is ok).3. You need to have nice product quality awareness, and able to effectively control the progress and timing of the entire project development.4. You need to be familiar with 3D CAID design tools such as Dassult SolidWorks and Dassult CATIA, and with great surface modeling editing skill on any of these software. and other 2D software like AutoCad and Illustrator is both required.【福利制度】 法定項目: 勞保、健保、週休二日、陪產檢及陪產假、員工體檢、勞退提繳金、哺乳室
福利制度: 獎金類 - 年節獎金、員工生日禮金
餐飲類 - 免費供餐
居住類 - 員工宿舍
交通類 - 員工停車位或停車補助
設備類 - 員工健身房、員工餐廳
補助類 - 員工結婚補助、生育補助、員工及眷屬喪葬補助
其 他 - 員工在職教育訓練
(1)OJT(On the job training工作現場訓練)
(5)通過彰化縣衛生局親善哺集乳室認證/安心職場認證【職務需求】 需求人數: 1~2 人
到職日期: 不限


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