ITRI_EOSL_Software System Engineer (510S200)


  • Jhudong, Hsinchu County
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 2 months ago
【工作內容】 1. Linux System Administration: Proficiently manage Linux operating systems, overseeing system configurations, user administration, and ensuring security protocols.
2. Shell Scripting: Skillfully write shell scripts for task automation, system monitoring, and seamless administrative operations.
3. Software Installation and Environment Configuration: Expertly install and configure software applications, adeptly managing environment variables for optimal system performance.
4. Multi-Language Programming: Independently develop robust applications in C/C++ and Python, demonstrating versatility in two widely-used programming languages.
5. API Development and Integration: Engineer and integrate APIs, showcasing expertise in mutual invocation of functions between C++ and Python, along with library development.
6. Compilation with LLVM or GNU Tools: Compile source code into executable files using advanced tools such as LLVM or GNU, ensuring code efficiency and performance.【工作制度/性質】 工作時間: 日班
工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上)工作性質: 全職
職務類別: 演算法開發工程師、軟體工程師
工作位置: 新竹縣竹東鎮
是否出差: 需出差【要求條件】 身份類別: 不拘
工作經驗: 1~2年以上
學歷限制: 碩士,博士
科系限制: 電機工程學類、電子工程學類、資訊工程學類語言能力: 「英文」 聽-中等/ 說-中等/ 讀-中等/ 寫-中等
附加條件: 1. Linux System Administration Skills: In-depth knowledge of Linux system internals, command-line utilities, and file systems.
2. Shell Scripting Proficiency: Command over scripting languages, particularly Bash, for streamlined system automation.
3. Software Development Mastery: Advanced programming skills in C/C++ and Python, including design, implementation, and troubleshooting.
4. API Development and Integration Expertise: Ability to create and seamlessly integrate APIs, especially in the interaction between C++ and Python.
5. Compilation Tools Skills: Competent use of LLVM or GNU tools for efficient compilation and linking of software projects.
6. Virtualization and Containerization Skills: Proficient in setting up and managing virtual environments, virtual machines, and utilizing Docker for application deployment.
7.At least 1 year experience in architecture development【福利制度】 法定項目: 勞保、健保、加班費、週休二日、陪產檢及陪產假、育嬰假、生理假、特別休假、產假、員工體檢、勞退提繳金、職災保險、育嬰室、哺乳室、公司附設托兒中心
福利制度: 獎金類 - 年節獎金、年終獎金、績效獎金
休假類 - 產檢假、安胎假、家庭照顧假
保險類 - 員工團保、眷屬團保、就業保險
居住類 - 員工宿舍
交通類 - 上下班交通車、員工停車位或停車補助
設備類 - 員工健身房、員工餐廳
娛樂類 - 尾牙、家庭日
其 他 - 員工在職教育訓練、良好升遷制度
在ITRI 不只能深入探究單一領域,更能攜手各域好手,拓展彼此視野,共同激盪創意火花,持續打造台灣美好未來!#幸福成家
建置溫馨舒適的心理諮詢室,由專業心理諮詢顧問提供員工關於身心靈各類問題之免費諮詢與協談。★工研院生活篇影音連結【職務需求】 需求人數: 1 人
到職日期: 不限
